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About The Emerald Rainbow

Inspired by Revelation 4:3, The Emerald Rainbow is more than just a fashion line—it’s a movement for believers worldwide. A celebration of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the Lamb who was slain, and the Holy Spirit. It’s a statement of faith, a visible display of our unity in the one true, living God.
In the vision given to John in the Book of Revelation, he saw the throne of God surrounded by an Emerald Rainbow—a divine symbol of God’s omnipotence, omnipresence, and omniscience. This rainbow is different from any seen on earth. It is a sacred promise, a sign of God’s enduring covenant that He will never again destroy the earth by flood. This celestial vision is God’s response to a world that has altered the original meaning and intent of His original symbol of promise.
Here at The Emerald Rainbow, we stand firm in honoring God’s true intent and the eternal promise He gave to His people. Through our designs, we invite believers everywhere to boldly express their faith, celebrating the power and glory of God in a world that needs His light. This is for those who wish to declare their unwavering belief in God’s promises, through their style.
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Join the Global Movement

On Saturday, October 19, 2024, we launch a movement that transcends fashion—a movement that brings believers together under the banner of the Emerald Rainbow. Wear the promise. Celebrate the power of God. Give Him the glory, honor, and praise He deserves.

    New Designs

    We currently have FIVE designs ready for purchase. You can shop now. Be ready to make a statement with our upcoming collection—designed for those who wish to honor God with every step they take. Stay tuned and be part of a global body of believers who are not afraid to wear their faith.